08 October, 2008

steamin trees

this morning, bel and i looked out back and saw that the trunks of our dew-covered trees were steaming as the sun warmed them. i tried to capture it with my camera. the steam isn't so evident, but the sunlight pouring through the haze had an interesting effect.

so, not the intended result, but something cool did come of it. :-)


Chris said...

Hey there--
I'm really enjoying your photo blog! Hope all is well.

Unknown said...

heh, it's been fun. i've just been taking snaps using the 1.2 mp camera on my palm centro phone. the cool thing about it, though, is i have it with me all the time and i'm getting over the self-conscious feeling of snapping photos.

i just started looking through some of your blogs. i'm digging speakingofhaiku. very cool.