27 February, 2010

just cleaned my chain

just cleaned a whole winter's worth of gunk and grease and grime from my chain. i should've taken a before pic so you can tell that this IS clean (comparatively).

21 February, 2010

add baconfitter to my resume

the vegetarian gets meat duty again at the church breakfast. i think i need a church that understands me.

18 February, 2010

dave's lock

it's dave's lock, but not dave's bike. some itinerant biker with no lock must've just grabbed a spot on the rack that had a lock and just draped it over his bike.


choppers are the most awesomist winter cycling hand apparel.

14 February, 2010

birdhouse in my soul

played around with another picture in gimp. selected the birdhouse and applied a filter just to it.

here it is with the birdhouse gone all "cartoony."

well, since i had the birdhouse selected, i tried to play with the colors a little more.

a mediocre photo gets a makeover

on my ride to work the other day, i wanted to catch the tops of the buildings in st. paul just peeking out of the haze covering downtown, but the camera on my phone just didn't capture that. after the fact, though, i felt the line of the road flowing diagonally across the scene and the in-focus elements that framed it vs. out-of-focus elements in the middle gave it a lonely feel.

on the first one, i gave it a "cubist" filter in gimp.

for the second, i applied the "cartoon" filter.

and here's the original.

11 February, 2010

06 February, 2010