17 October, 2008

i used to be so intrigued by the orange and red of fall

ok, i used to be drawn in by only the reds and oranges of the fall. i found them to be the elusive catch. it's hard to find them at peak and they last for such a short time. this year, though, i've come to appreciate the yellows. some for the contrast they provide to their surroundings and others jumped out at me for their shape.

here's a walnut tree in my back yard. the sun is shining on it and its yellow contrasts so nicely with the blue sky.

these leaves are in a wild patch next to my driveway. i'm not sure exactly what they come from. their shape really caught my eye. this plant yellowed up before the others around it so the leaves unique shape was very obvious at that point.
here's another shot of the same thing.
now, this is of a "burning bush" we have in our front yard. the reds aren't boring or passe, it's just that i'm appreciating the yellows this year.

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