31 August, 2012

ride to boreas pass

this was my ride, today. wow, very cool. right when i was feeling i'd accomplished something, though, a guy rides up and we started chatting about our rides. he's in the process of riding the entire continental divide from banff to mexico, which made my climb seem pretty much like nothing, but still cool to meet him. he's a dutch guy who's taken this summer to do the great divide mountain bike route. anyway, paltry as my accomplishment may be, here's my ride up to the continental divide, it topped out at just under 11,500ft.

View 08/31/2012 ride up to boreas pass in a larger map


just after i hit the dirt

this looks like there's going to be some cool scenery

a quick rest (didn't know how close i actually was to the top)


gotta be cool

looking east from the continental divide

looking west from the continental divide

proof! (umm, yep, that's my rental bike)

woah... don't get off the beaten path! apparently they have rednecks here too
here's the path i switched to on my way down
the fence keeping jeeps and ATVs off the singletrack

waiting out the rain at the bottom before heading into town

30 August, 2012

29 August, 2012

colorado brews

the dale's scotch ale is a solid beer. i'm not as well versed in the genre but it has a lot of grain with a light hint of smoke. finishes pretty sweet, so dry is nowhere to be found in the description.
the breckenridge brewing 471 double ipa kills! thick and a whole lotta beer, not as hoppy as i'd expect, but good.

28 August, 2012

roadtrip to rocky mountain national park (rmnp)

view from the parking lot at the alpine visitor center in rmnp
gazing across what should be a snowfield... all the friggin snow is gone!
well... almost, but that's friggin sad

after-rainstorm treat

from my camera: how neat is that?
from my phone: how neat is that?

meandering along

26 August, 2012

first trail run at altitude

extremely short 2.8mi run, today. i didn't feel like bringing water, so i just ran out 15 or so mins and turned around. the whole run was above 9,900ft, so, yeah, my heartrate was zooming even though i was running slowly. this was my first ever trail run at altitude. i might be hooked.

next time, the hydration pack goes with me.

23 August, 2012

wish u were here?

joint outing with refactr and reachlocal mn devs. officeonastick!

20 August, 2012

the end of the day

in CA this week
 trying to see good things

from the hotel window

12 August, 2012

have i ever told you how much i hate casement windows?

casement windows suck. their hardware is crappy and prone to breakage, which renders them completely useless, they block 1/2 the breeze if you only have them open a little bit, oh and did i mention this? they break a lot. oh, yeah, i did mention that.

ever since i was a kid, i've noticed that perfectly good homes that have casement windows, usually had 1 or 2 windows that were broken. no, not the glass but broken and unusable. i knew then, i never wanted them in my house. that was for sure...

then, we built a home. i never wanted them in my house but didn't put up a fight when our builder said, "that's what I use." there were enough other crappy things going on while we built the house, and i let this issue slide. anyway, in our 6 years, here, I've had to replace 1 crank and 2 latches. the latches are crappy construction and are prone to breakage, i foresee more problems with this.

this latest latch, pictured here, was broken while it was in the locked position. as such, i had no way to get at any of the fasteners to take it apart as they are all neatly hidden. well, thank god for dremel tools. i had to hack through the case of the latch and expose the mechanism that moves the locking bar in the frame. i was able to get a screwdriver in there and whack it with a mallet until the latch moved the bar to the unlocked position. phew, finally. i have the latch out and, now, i just need to order a replacement part before winter. sure... it's unlocked but it's also a 2nd story window on a 2 story house over a look-out basement. if someone gets up there, they were getting in my house no matter what.

11 August, 2012


best bottle opener ever

thanks surly!

one for jared

auroch's horn

wow, that's some crazy carbonation! i could really sit and watch this glass for a while. btw, don't grab one of these when you're thirsty. it's a 10% sipper.

05 August, 2012

photos of the photographer

t and i went for a drive tonight to capture the sunset along the mississippi river. while she was catching the sun, i was catching her...