20 December, 2015

egg in a hole

my first (and surely not my last) attempt at egg in a hole!

butter your bread as well as grease/oil the pan. i cut the hole in my bread first with a juice glass.

flip. dammit, i broke a yolk.

here, we'll cover the broken yolk with meunster cheese!

almost ready.

topped with siracha and ready to eat!

18 December, 2015

troll way from insight brewing

the kids over at insight sure are doing it right! yeah, it's citrusy but it's not clumbsy and piney like a fizzy gin. drink this!

guinness ipa

don't turnbone down if it's in front of you, but don't go too far out of your way to get in front of one.

it is very subtle, maybe i was expecting a little more of something to chew on.

13 December, 2015

photos and thoughts from tonight

very random subjects!

how can a skyline
be so playful? 
when its friends the clouds
hang low
so they can make some mischief
and have some fun
challenging and obscuring
the enormous anchors to...
our perceptions of reality.

it's a-liiiiiiiive! 
of the cuttings 
in the window over my sink. 
that the organs for life 
in this context can look so monstrous,
makes you think.

04 December, 2015

hell chicken

tonight, i am not a fan. seems like the wrong season for lightly fruity beer

maroon & bold

fabulous, 100% MN sourced double IPA. maroon & bold, a double infuriatingly passive aggressive ale!
