31 July, 2008

Bugs got bad

so the nerds and their laptops wenr inside.

Summer evening on the deck

hanging out on the deck with the dog, a beer, and (ugh) the laptop.

30 July, 2008

A media player makeover

a 3.5 to 2.5 mm adapter and a new set of headphones makes the centro a purty nice media player... now, if only those 4gb cards would come down in price.

29 July, 2008

My steed awaits...

after work today, my bike looked so eager to go, i just had to snap a photo. besides, i wanted an excuse to stay out of the blast-furnace-like temps outside.

28 July, 2008

b's first mountain bike ride

tonight, b and i went for our first mtb ride together. she's quite a kid. did real well.

she was cautious, even on the flat stuff, but she's still getting a feel for how the bike handles on the dirt.

oooh, look, look, first weeds in the derailleur

ready to head home...

we might have a new mtb-er on our hands.

25 July, 2008

Behind bars

well... since it's a somewhat cycling-related blog, some of the entries should be cycling related, right?

leave it to the techies to go "back to the basics" for transportation


"Cycling is the most eco-friendly mode of transport in the world but we in India are still stuck in the developing country syndrome. Instead of encouraging them, we actively discourage them."

Well, while that's true in a developing nation with an identity crisis, it's still quite true in the "developed" world. Cycling does not feel all that "encouraged" here in the midwest either. We've got laws to protect us that nobody seems to know about, bike paths that go to places in the middle of nowhere, and bike lanes that come and go. Maybe I'm just whining. I should be happy I don't have to deal with all the crap those guys in India are dealing with on their bikes.

I guess I'm just saying we could be much better about making cycling a realistic option for the more tame months here in Minnesota.

Wheaty, noodly goodness

lunch today at tanpopo was a bowl of wild mushroom soba noodles and 1/2 of a spicy tuna maki (not pictured). how do you say mmm mmm good in japanese?

24 July, 2008


today was habitat day. I spent the day on a jobsite wondering if that house will ever get done. Volunteerism is a great thing, but there is so much energy wasted when people do things that require skills they don't have. Well, maybe this is just a commentary on how this jobsite was run. It could've been organized better to utilize those of us underskilled folks.

Anyway, the morning was spent fixing walls that were put up the day before. It was noon before we'd fixed them and made any progress.

Today helped underscore the fact that I don't have the skills necessary to build for a living. Sure, I can swing a hammer and run a circular saw, but I can't do it well enough to do it for dough.

Oh well, I should probably stick to software.


23 July, 2008

Does this mobile posting really work?

got a palm centro the other day. if i can get this mobile blogging thing figgered out, i may start some regular posting.

-- rt