10 October, 2008

a cross bike, a camera, and a beautiful fall day

ok, it was a beautiful freakin fall afternoon, and i was riding my bike home after an extremely full day at work. on the way home i saw my shadow and decided to take a couple of snaps even though i was running a bit late. this one is on cedar street just to the north and east of the capitol. i had better options but this faint shadow was actually a mistake. i decided to keep it when i realized i captured this ghostly shadow. in actuality, i was trying to capture a very pronounced shadow about 10 feet before this, but i didn't account for the digital camera lag.

it's cool when your mistakes turn out to be somehow intriguing. look closely. it almost looks like it was cropped in with photoshop.

had the camera out on the roll and it's always fun to capture these behind-bars photos.

north on jackson street with the sun still at my left shoulder, i captured my shadow among some fantabulous fall colors. in true urban style, though, those colors are perched upon a chain link fence.

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