28 September, 2008


wandering around town on sunday before the town was really "awake," i snapped a few photos.

this is the street just outside my hotel.

here's the "local" lutheran church.

here's the cathederal (lutheran).
it's just about a five minute walk from the other church.

a museum. in the us, we'd have a high fence around the building to keep you from harming it. making the building the artifact not the contents.

a side alley in linkoping.

a closer look in the alley, this is the building on the left in the pic above. it's living space. i glanced in the windows enough to know that, but tried not to look too long lest i would be chased away for "peeping"
turning off the last alley into another. in the US this is where the dumpsters would go. where's all your slimy crap? well, if you don't buy so much, you don't have as much to throw out, i guess.

here's a blurry photo down by the river. the old guy is fishing.

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