21 April, 2009

random night scenes from san diego

t and i went out for an evening in san diego. a number of things caught my eye. i did my best to capture them with the camera on my centro. there's really no explanation for the photos, just things that caught my eye.

ok... well these, they have a little bit of a story. well... a story that's yet to be written.

this building was across the street from where we ate dinner. i had to get a pic of it. i see it as a great setting for a story about an eccentric character. throwback comes to mind... anyway, i see it as a building that stands out in the gaslamp's already unique, unmatched architecture. if my crazy (yet-to-be-written) story were made into a screenplay, this would be the location for filming.

after that, on our way back to the hotel a number of other sights jumped out and caught my eye, so i snapped 'em. these first two are in reverse order. they align perfectly showing them in reverse order, but, in honesty, i was attracted to the texture of the palm's trunk as it was lit from below. t demanded that i also capture the fronds in part of the picture. it worked very well, she has quite an eye for composition. the two pictures in this blog knitted well together as the trunks are almost perfectly aligned, creating a continuity flow from one pic to the other.

here's a random public sculpture and t jumps in for scale to show its ginormousness.

a couple of other night scenes along the way that tripped me up. here's where our walking path went across a pond/water sculpture.

this one, weird as it is, has a ton of texture, but you have to look hard to see it.

we sat out by the a small bonfire by our pool and i was struck by the stark lines of our "lit" hotel against the night sky. it reminded me of georgia o'keefe's city night painting. not that i'm truly channeling her creativity here, but i couldn't help but snap an image, hoping to capture what i saw.

then, the fire. i couldn't resist...

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