25 July, 2008

leave it to the techies to go "back to the basics" for transportation


"Cycling is the most eco-friendly mode of transport in the world but we in India are still stuck in the developing country syndrome. Instead of encouraging them, we actively discourage them."

Well, while that's true in a developing nation with an identity crisis, it's still quite true in the "developed" world. Cycling does not feel all that "encouraged" here in the midwest either. We've got laws to protect us that nobody seems to know about, bike paths that go to places in the middle of nowhere, and bike lanes that come and go. Maybe I'm just whining. I should be happy I don't have to deal with all the crap those guys in India are dealing with on their bikes.

I guess I'm just saying we could be much better about making cycling a realistic option for the more tame months here in Minnesota.

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