10 February, 2016

fate brewing's moirai IPA

holy floral on the hops, man! this is another kickass brew from a brewer in boulder. unique and very aromatic.

finkel & garf

rye saison is my new favorite style of beer. fulton in minneapolis brews a similar beer with their expat. this one is crisp and spicy with a hint of tart from that saison-y stuff.

their description: "crisp, spicy, tart" is spot on!

05 February, 2016

surly brett mikkel's

umm... i meant yum, and by that i meant wow. a hoppy sour beer, what fun!

23 January, 2016

finnegan's dead poet stout

dead irish poet extra stout. this was the perfect day to try this one. i REALLY liked this beer with my dinner of salmon and home made fries. i love it when a plan comes together!

2016 sierra beer camp

welp... it's sort of fruity. my first one was OK. i'll definitely have another, but i'm not going to run all over town to buy up all the stock.

16 January, 2016

parapet esb

northgate brewing's parapet esb, is a big ol' can of crispy nice.

01 January, 2016

hell chicken part deux

i bagged on hell chicken a few weeks back, but i have found a great application for it... asian food. made some potstickers tonight and it paired REALLY WELL with them!