30 December, 2014

i expected more frost on the mask for that cold

Started out at -4FF (effing fahrenheit)

i hate wearing the mask!

29 December, 2014

frosty ride

when Fahrenheit turns from F to FF, so metric people know single digit temps are absurdly cold... 3 effing Fahrenheit

27 December, 2014

who knew wrapping pretzel dough around cheese curds was so tedious?

but it was sooooo worth it!

so, when i was done, i moved on to less labor-intensive things like...


no photos of the rolls, though, my hands were too messy, and i had to hurry off to our family christmas party (where people seemed to like the pretzels and sushi). btw, i used this AWESOME recipe for the pretzels

18 December, 2014

visiting jim's shop

if you ever get a chance to visit Jim Sannerud, go. He's a smart guy, who does cool stuff in the world of wood turning. He also likes to teach people about his craft. He favors turning with green wood.

His shop is really cool. I visited the other day and shot these photos:

03 December, 2014

Do you currently work in the Dev Ops environment?

I was recently asked:

"Do you currently work in the Dev Ops environment?"

Here's my answer:

No, the devops is not really a thing. The devops is the intersection of development and operations skills. In reality a devops culture is still built around product. A dev team takes control over its ops concerns to ensure they deliver the best product the can. When someone "specializes" in the devops, they are no longer focused on product and are no longer dev, they are ops. They may be ops for developers--helping build their development environments and playing an extremely important role--but they are no longer devs (for the product team).

Now... ops people who approach things from a software engineering perspective (automate all the things!) are extremely valuable. They probably are the best fit for your search for people to fill the devops role.