30 November, 2014

Empathy and the Product Era

Just tried out Medium as a social posting platform with the topic Empathy and the Product Era. Check it out: https://medium.com/@bikeonastick/empathy-and-the-product-era-ff1304af82e

16 November, 2014

a reminder to myself

we all make mistakes...

last week,
i bitched...
about someone who was pulling out
of this newly signed aisle in the parking lot
of our Y.
today, i did the 
by mistake.

not everybody's perfect.
you're not perfect.
get over yourself, _____ (insert name here, like... robert).
have empathy for the small things.
save your "outrage" for that which matters.

14 November, 2014

11 November, 2014

first winter commute, made it...

phew! i've been riding in the winter for over a decade, but that first commute is always a bit of a shock. feels like a massive victory when you arrive safely.

01 November, 2014

i expected more...

peace tree brewing's imperial stout. it's better than a lot of beers i could have had, but i expected this to be better. not as thick or as sweet as i'd like out of an imperial stout.

still a good night, though, and it's totally imperial stout weather.

don't tread on me

the gadsden might be a little more convincing if it were updated to something a little more endearing... saaaaay a cat, for instance. :)