31 October, 2013

27 October, 2013

spooooky pumpkin eyes

can't quite see all the details, but they're guarding our front porch.

26 October, 2013

before tonight, i hadn't heard of...

green flash brewing. for folks in san diego, they make one helluva cold weather beer. this double stout black ale is nice... sharp and smooth, is that possible?

21 October, 2013

16 October, 2013

05 October, 2013

mmm... zzzooombie

when sweater weather arrives, i am all about thick and dark beers. the zombie monkie robust porter, delivers. this is a nice one from tallgrass. i tried their double chocolate buffalo sweat oatmeal stout (can) and was not impressed. it was a little thin on feel and there was nothing double about the taste.

zombie monkie, on the other hand, packs a punch of smooth and dark maltiness. go. get. some.