23 February, 2013

tdd-bdd goodness

wow, ok, so here's another huge plus for TDD and BDD. it gives you the confidence to not immediately blame your own code when something goes wrong when you deploy and take part in a large SOA project. when you know that, given the right inputs, you'll produce the right results (because you built the system using TDD based on the other system's messages), you know to look to things outside your system when it's going pear shaped.

turns out, this was a human error thing that was the result of some less-than-stellar design on my part. also, the QA test plan was not using our intended behavior for the software, so... suffice it to say, there were a lot of cognitive leaps to be made to get this validated. buuuuuut... the greatest thing i got out of it was i was an effective troubleshooter because i didn't waste time (or stress) digging in my code for answers.

it turned out to be an education thing. once the dust settled, code was verified.

scotch eggs and armadillo eggs

baked the scotch eggs this time. armadillo eggs are the smaller ones. they're hot peppers stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped in sausage. i don't eat meat, so I use "gimme lean" fake sausage. awesome!

13 February, 2013

09 February, 2013

bathtime brings out the puppy in fred

which is pretty good considering he's 14 and crazy playtimes are few and far between

01 February, 2013

worthy adversary

a very nice russian imperial stout by the folks over at fulton. i don't like black licorice, but there's something similar to it in the finish. maybe it's the sweet followed bu a crisp bitterness. i'm not comparing it to the an anise flavor, it just has a similar quality. smells good (strong) too.


fahrenheit, that is