31 December, 2012

cucumber disambiguation, or... survival tip for a noob in an existing rails project

I've just jumped into an existing rails project at work. The existing team is using the hell out of BDD/TDD. While I'm super excited to get there with them, I struggled HUGE with the fact that their features and steps have been heavily optimized and DRYed out. To grok the project and the methodology, I was trying to jump from feature to step and because they've been working with this for a while, they have organized source around DRY, not around readability and discoverability. As such, I was stumbling around trying to figure out where the hell each of the step definitions were for the features I was reading.

I finally stumbled upon the right incantation of cucumber options to get what i needed:

bundle exec cucumber -o cuke.out --format stepdefs features 

If you want to do all features. However, if you just want to discover the feature-step relationships for a specific feature:

bundle exec cucumber -o cuke.out --format stepdefs features/specific_feature_file.feature

Will produce output like this:

5.1738260 /^I am logged in as a valid user$/
   # features/step_definitions/authentication_steps.rb:100
2.6341953 /^(?:|I )go to (.+)$/
   # features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:48
2.1448050 /^I should be able to visit the admin area$/
   # features/step_definitions/admin/admin_steps.rb:5
1.2116820 /^I am logged in as an admin$/
   # features/step_definitions/authentication_steps.rb:106
0.7382180 /^I am logged in as an uber admin$/
   # features/step_definitions/authentication_steps.rb:118
0.1408770 /^I should see the Contacts\/New Contacts page$/
   # features/step_definitions/marketing/contact_list_steps.rb:1
0.0094120 /^(?:|I )should not see "([^"]*)"$/
   # features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:123
0.0092010 /^(?:|I )should see "([^"]*)"$/
   # features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:105

Now, you can tell where the f-uh-uh-uh-uke, fuke... er... cuke the implementation is. Odds are, a team who's been doing this for a while have shut off step output because they know the project like the back of their hand, but something like this will help a noob like you get up to speed in an existing project. Well, it helped me and it took a while to find the right search terms to give me what I needed. Oh, also, the output file was a huge help because the number of NOT MATCHED BY ANY STEPS lines in the project blew the useful stuff right out of my iTerm's scroll history.

Good luck...

Now, I'm thinking of writing a vim plugin that will use this output to create a ctags like file that will allow you to jump around from feature to step regardless of what your file naming conventions are. 

28 December, 2012


so... someone passed this on to me today saying, "here's a day changer." it was, so i'm sharing it again with a little commentary.

sooo, anyone who claims women can't rock can kiss my butt. here's a link to ann and nancy wilson (heart) playing "stairway to heaven" while the surviving members of led zeppelin in the crowd watched. these ladies aren't a whole lot younger than the dudes from zoso, yet they brought it... big.

for the girls and women out there, don't, don't, don't let anyone tell you you can't play in a boy's/man's world. make it yours and play your heart out. and, yes, i mean that as a metaphor for life, not just the small (but influential) sphere that calls itself rock and roll.

and for those of you who watch this, enjoy. i did, and so did messrs. plant, page, and jones.

27 December, 2012

focus on the trail, not on the flakes

keeeeeep yer eyes on the trail! don't get distracted by the snowflakes floating through the helmet lamp.

14 December, 2012


like imperial stout? yeah, me too!
do yerself a favor and chase down a narwhal. sierra nevada did a great job on this one.

02 December, 2012

beat that salad...

c'mon, i dare ya. i'm pretty sure you can't go into your fridge and come up with a better salad, right now.

oh well...

which makes a better leg for the TV shelf?

a cardboard tube and index cards or the 4" pvc pipe.

agreed... the cardboard has a certain college-dorm inventiveness, but the pvc is actually cut to size.

pvc it is.

mn gardening in december?

mulched the strawberries, today...

01 December, 2012

third coast old ale

mmm... it's been a while since i've had bells third coast old ale. it's a little darker brown than i remember, but just as tasty. at 10.5% alcohol, i won't be having many of these in one sitting!