25 June, 2012

grossest mascot ever

poor peety peecup, destined to go through life half empty (or only half full, either way, it's gross)

22 June, 2012

it's funny what the camera chooses to focus on

find the point of crisp focus...

hint: broadway & pine.

weird, right? 

20 June, 2012

bike maintenance in the office

another effin flat. i need to bring a bike stand to the office!

19 June, 2012

cookin on the fairgrounds

cat 1, 2, 3 women racing bikes in 90f heat. awesome display of toughness!

17 June, 2012

twin 6-er in the nvgp

so, twin 6 which do you like better?
 the plain-old photo
or the sweet photocopy version...

photographer lady at the nvgp

it's as if... the rest of the world

was just painted with a different palette

and rendered with a different level of focus
than she was...

09 June, 2012

the daisies' last stand

daisy season is coming to its end and the flowers decided to get a little freaky

american standard, can you identify me?

i think i need a new cartridge for this shower fixture. it was installed in 2006 (yes, i have hard water), can you identify the model # of the cartridge that i need?

the few remaining live daisies


08 June, 2012

JPodJPod by Douglas Coupland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An odd flow for a book (at times) but it really works. The pages with odd typography and the inclusion of the spam e-mail created an internet-esque stream of consciousness.

Coupland's appearance in the book is an interesting device. I was totally surprised when he showed up, but I it was foreshadowed a little.

The end? Eh... maybe not the greatest, but there were a ton of great hooks throughout the book, e.g., the team's little competitions. He also took characters who do some pretty outrageous things and showed you their human side. There are many shades of grey, even the douchey Steve has a soul.

View all my reviews

07 June, 2012