21 January, 2012

macvim dev env update

ok, so i've mentioned that i'm revisiting vim as a dev tool and, quite frankly, i've been impressed with some of the plugins out there. i've been using NERDTree and the grails plugin. NERDTree has been very nice and the grails one is ok.

as i've been watching grails webcasts like bobby warner's jump into grails 2.0, i've been a little jealous of textmate's ability to "find files." so i started searching for a vim plugin to do the same and found command-t. it's pretty cool. as i've mentioned before, i've been doing a few things with keymappings to make macvim act the way my fingers need it to work. i had to add a little magic to my .gvimrc to make it work for me.

macmenu &File.New\ Tab key=<nop>
map <D-t> :CommandT<cr>

now, command + t enables the file finding feature of the command-t plugin.

20 January, 2012

plowed bike path

wow, snowed this afternoon and the city of roseville had the bike paths plowed by tthe time i rode home. those are MY tax dollars at work.

18 January, 2012

have a ball

of soup! literally, a ball of soup! my frozen soup thawed from outside in, leaving a baseball-sized frozen chunk in my bowl.

17 January, 2012

keymappings for mac vim

thought i'd share... i hate the goddamn keymapping of command+W closing mac vim. i can't seem to get my fingers to actually use control + W + [h,j,k,l] when i want to move to a different pane in vim on the mac, so i have a tendency to hit command + W, which has horrible consequences in mac vim. ugh! anyway, after digging around i found info on how to remap some keys. i now have remapped all my vim pane navigations in mac vim by adding the following to my .gvim file:

if has("gui_macvim")
        macmenu &File.Close\ Window key=
        macmenu &File.Close key=
        nnoremap <D-w>h <C-W>h        
        inoremap <D-w>h <C-W>h       
        nnoremap <D-w>l <C-W>l        
        inoremap <D-w>l <C-W>l       
        nnoremap <D-w>j <C-W>j        
        inoremap <D-w>j <C-W>j       
        nnoremap <D-w>k <C-W>k        
        inoremap <D-w>k <C-W>k       


so, i guess you want this in a .gvim file because .vim file options are loaded first and macvim then puts all of its mappings on top of that. if you add these to .gvim they are preserved.

my understanding of how i needed to put this in the .gvim file as opposed to the .vim file came from this posting on superuser.com.

08 January, 2012

fried egg sandwich topped with black bean chili and cheese

when i said what i was making, my wife asked, "are you pregnant?"

the dog asked, "can i have some?"

it was great