12 April, 2011

what a day to get around by bicycle!

had to soak in the sun today as it sounds as if i may need raingear for the next few days

back in the shadow, again

wow, warm enough to slip off the gloves and snap a couple of photos on the ride to work, today.

08 April, 2011

plumbing, meh...

well, we seem to have pushed the hose season a little too far last fall and we had us a nice little surprise when we turned on one of the hoses today. good thing our basement is still unfinished! hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to the hardware store i go.

07 April, 2011

fred is super-pumped

super-pumped that we're having deck weather, again.

05 April, 2011

boston sunset

looking west in the evening can be pretty interesting sometimes.