25 September, 2009

continuing to goof around with gimp

ok, here's some fun i had playing around with gimp, the gnu image processer. pretty cool stuff, i open it up periodically and mess around with a few things. since i don't use it every day, i tend to have to re-learn things all over again each time i open it, but it comes back fairly quickly.

here's the original pic... some doofus eating ice cream.

woah, the doofus gets a litttle class with the photocopy effect
now, after adding cartoon effect and playing with colors through the "curves" i was able to get an extremely cool combined effect.

and here's oilify. he looks like a zombie.

19 September, 2009

the source of my inspiration

if you only knew how many "wows" i have said in the presence of these eyes. i wish i could be more intelligent or more creative when she looks at me but, sometimes, "wow" is all i've got.

our wildflower patch

t planted a wildflower patch in front of our house. it's been fun to watch it change over time.

i really have no idea what kind of flower this is, but isn't it great?

the prettiest flower of them all

and something spicy.

07 September, 2009

the eyes have it

all of these eyes are related in some way, but not all of them are blue. some are multiples from the same person. all of them capture you.


he may be getting old and developing a bit of a "milk mustache" but he's still got some puppy in him. we were playing with a racquetball in the back yard and he was pretty excited about it.

ok, black-eyed susans are just about as cool as...

daisies, except they bloom when the daisies are done.