31 May, 2009

a whole weekend's worth

of work... most of our hardscaping is in so this project is really taking shape! thanks to t's vision and drive for moving this project forward. now, to get the rest of the gardens figured out.

25 May, 2009

on the road again

ok, after getting the road bike dusted, degrimed, and set up with a new pair of tires, i had to get out today when i discovered we weren't getting the forecasted rain. as usual, i noticed the shadows first and decided to snap a few pics. i absolutely needed the recovery time as i had just done two big-ring, seated grinds up ohio street.

here i am playing with shadows, but the sun was still pretty high.
look at that, you can see the guy taking the picture. not such good form.

the snazzy auc kit is coming into view here (along with some furry knees. sorry, just a couple of road rides is no reason to shave the gams. racing, yes, but not "just riding along.")
more of the auc kit

and, blammo. the best view of the cool auc kit through rolling self portraiture. :-)

then it was time to ride home. a really short, but encouraging, ride.

dandelions and lilacs

hmm the dandelions are as big as lilacs in this place!

24 May, 2009


why go out to eat when you've got ambience like this?

last year's grime?

hardly. didn't ride the road bike last year. it was grime from 2+ years ago. it's ready to ride, now, though.

18 May, 2009


i forgot how much i like riding my track bike. today was the first day i commuted on it since last fall (yes, snob, it does have a brake). it' an extremely responsive steerer, loads of fun in downtown traffic. i'm glad i repurposed it for parttime commuting after i decided to stop picking up souvenir splinters from the velodrome. it sure is a sweet ride.

shadows of the weekend

monday morning and i'm thinkin' bikes and not work on my ride in. rollin' into the week.

17 May, 2009

white trash cusine

all right, they were veggie dogs and i sullied them with dijon mustard, but they were, in essence, about as lowbrow as you get.

16 May, 2009

shadow of the mountain...

bike, mountain bike shadow...


this used to be a bridge

ended up down by the river where they are keeping the wreckage from the 35w bridge today. 


went for a mountain bike ride. this is how freakin windy it was.

rode across town to hit trails between minnehaha and the fort. the road ridin wasn' particularly pleasant.

09 May, 2009

will the real b.o.c. please stand up?

that's the real breakfast of champions, and here it is:
steel cut oats with raisins, pecans, honey, a splash of milk, and fresh mango.

quite a treat, but ya can't have it every day in the midwest because the mango really bloats the carbon footprint of this meal.

05 May, 2009

swinging reader or reading swinger?

b loves the rope swing in our back yard. she had a book she needed to read for homework, but she wasn't ready to come inside for homework. she came up with this compromise.

02 May, 2009


all hail the bench grinder

sharpening mower blades tonight.

which one of these "tools"?

which one of these tools did i use to replace the diverter assembly in my sink's spigot? 

why... the spoon, of course!

the top of the diverter assembly is slotted and has two notches so you can turn it with a flat screwdriver, but i didn't have one that was large enough to fit across the diverter assembly's opening but small enough to fit down into my faucet. ugh... well, i WAS in the kitchen, so i improvised. flatware to the rescue.